Retour sur le Nice Shoulder Course 2024
La 12ᵉ édition du Nice Shoulder Course s’est tenue cette année du 6 au 8 juin 2024 au Palais de la Méditerranée à Nice. Ce congrès biennal dédié à la
Boileau Pascal, Brian L. Seeto, Gilles Clowez, Marc-Olivier Gauci, Christophe Trojani, Gilles Walch et Mikaël Chelli.
« SECEC Grammont Award 2017: The Prejudicial Effect of Greater Tuberosity Osteotomy or Excision in Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty for Fracture Sequelae »
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, juin 2020, S1058274620302706.
Boileau Pascal, Jean-Luc Raynier, Mikaël Chelli, Jean-François Gonzalez, et Joseph W. Galvin.
« Reverse Shoulder–Allograft Prosthesis Composite, with or without Tendon Transfer, for the Treatment of Severe Proximal Humeral Bone Loss ».
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, juin 2020, S1058274620302767.
Lemmex Devin, Gabriel Cárdenas, Matthew Ricks, Jarret Woodmass, Mikaël Chelli et Pascal Boileau.
« Arthroscopic Management of Anterior Glenoid Bone Loss »
JBJS Reviews 8, no 2 (février 2020): e0049.
Chelli, Mikaël, and Pascal Boileau.
“Let’s ‘Recall’ Sensitivity and Specificity: Letter to the Editor Regarding Gowd et al: ‘Construct Validation of Machine Learning in the Prediction of Short-Term Postoperative Complications Following Total Shoulder Arthroplasty.’”
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 29, no. 3 (March 2020): e98–99.
Chelli, Mikaël, Nicolas Bronsard, Jean-François Gonzalez, Laurent Blasco, Marc-Olivier Gauci, and Pascal Boileau.
“The Distal-Medial Pilot Hole: A Simple Way to Ease Volar Plate Positioning in Extra-Articular Distal Radius Fractures.”
Injury, January 2020, S0020138320300668.
Domos Peter, Mikaël Chelli, Enricomaria Lunini, Francesco Ascione, Michael J. Bercik, Lionel Neyton, Arnaud Godeneche and Gilles Walch.
“Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of the Open Latarjet Procedure in Skeletally Immature Patients.”
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, December 2019, S1058274619306664.
Muccioli Christophe, Mikaël Chelli, Amandine Caudal, Olivier Andreani, Hicham Elhor, Marc-Olivier Gauci and Pascal Boileau.
“Rotator Cuff Integrity and Shoulder Function after Intra-Medullary Humerus Nailing.”
Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research, December 2019, S1877056819303755.
Chelli Mikaël, Lucas Lo Cunsolo, Marc-Olivier Gauci, Jean-François Gonzalez, Peter Domos, Nicolas Bronsard and Pascal Boileau.
“Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty in Patients Aged 65 Years or Younger: A Systematic Review of the Literature.”
JSES Open Access 3, no. 3 (October 1, 2019): 162–67.
Chelli Mikaël, Jean Grimberg, Yves Lefebvre, Lisa Peduzzi, Alexandre Hardy, Matthieu Sanchez, Nicolas Holzer, et al.
“Internal Impingement of the Shoulder: An International Survey of 261 Orthopaedic Surgeons.”
Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research, September 2019, S1877056819302634.
Peduzzi, Lisa, Jean Grimberg, Mikael Chelli, Yves Lefebvre, Christophe Levigne, Jean Kany, Philippe Clavert, et al.
“Internal Impingement of the Shoulder in Overhead Athletes: Retrospective Multicentre Study in 135 Arthroscopically-Treated Patients.”
Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research, October 2019, S1877056819302622.
Collin Philippe, Anthony Hervé, Gilles Walch, Pascal Boileau, Moganadass Muniandy and Mikael Chelli.
“Mid-Term Results of Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty for Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis with Posterior Glenoid Deficiency and Humeral Subluxation.”
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, August 9, 2019.
Neyton Lionel, Jacob M. Kirsch, Philippe Collotte, Philippe Collin, Louis Gossing, Mikael Chelli, and Gilles Walch.
“Mid- to Long-Term Follow-up of Shoulder Arthroplasty for Primary Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis in Patients Aged 60 or Under.”
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, June 2019
Boileau Pascal, Andreani, Olivier, Schramm, Martin, Baba Mohammed, Barret Hugo and Chelli Mikaël.
“The Impact of Tendon Delamination on Rotator Cuff Healing”
The American Journal of Sports Medicine, April 2019.
Boileau Pascal, Marc-Olivier Gauci, Eric R. Wagner, Gilles Clowez, Jean Chaoui, Mikaël Chelli, and Gilles Walch.
“The Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty Angle: A New Measurement of Glenoid Inclination for Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty.”
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, March 2019.
Mikaël Chelli, Yoann Levy, Vincent Lavoué, Gilles Clowez, Jean-François Gonzalez and Pascal Boileau.
“The “Auto-Constant”: Can we estimate the Constant-Murley score with a self-administered questionnaire?
A pilot study” Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Surgery & Research, February 2019.
Boileau Pascal, Tjarco D. Alta, Lauryl Decroocq, François Sirveaux, Philippe Clavert, Luc Favard, and Mikaël Chelli.
“Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty for Acute Fractures in the Elderly: Is It Worth Reattaching the Tuberosities?”
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, December 18, 2018.
Boileau Pascal, Thomas d’Ollonne, Charles Bessière, Adam Wilson, Philippe Clavert, Armodios M. Hatzidakis, and Mikael Chelli.
“Displaced Humeral Surgical Neck Fractures: Classification and Results of Third-Generation Percutaneous Intramedullary Nailing.”
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, November 2018.
Dehl M., Y. Bulaïd, M. Chelli, R. Belhaouane, A. Gabrion, E. Havet, and P. Mertl.
“Total Knee Arthroplasty with the Medial-Pivot Knee System: Clinical and Radiological Outcomes at 9.5 Years’ Mean Follow-Up.”
Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Surgery & Research: OTSR104, no. 2 (April 2018): 185–91.
Ascione Francesco, Peter Domos, Vincenzo Guarrella, Mikaël Chelli, Pascal Boileau, and Gilles Walch.
“Long-Term Humeral Complications after Grammont-Style Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty.”
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, January 4, 2018.
Dehl M., M. Chelli, S. Lippmann, S. Benaissa, V. Rotari, and M. Moughabghab.
“Results of 115 Rubis II Reverse Thumb Carpometacarpal Joint Prostheses with a Mean Follow-up of 10 Years.”
The Journal of Hand Surgery, European Volume 42, no. 6 (July 2017): 592–98.
Lebeau, N, M Bayle, R Belahouane, M Chelli, E Havet, B Brunschweiler, and P Mertl.
“Total Hip Arthroplasty Revision by Dual-Mobility Acetabular Cup Cemented in a Metal Reinforcement: A 62 Case Series at a Minimum 5 Years’ Follow-Up.”
Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research, May 2017.
La 12ᵉ édition du Nice Shoulder Course s’est tenue cette année du 6 au 8 juin 2024 au Palais de la Méditerranée à Nice. Ce congrès biennal dédié à la
L’ICR est fier de participer à la 97ème édition du congrès de la Société Française de Chirurgie Orthopédique & Traumatologique à Paris du 13 au 15 novembre 2023. Nous y avons
Le Dr Mikael Chelli a présenté le résultat de son travail sur la rotation interne après prothèse d’épaule inversée lors du congrès de l’ICSES. Ce congrès international, qui se tient
Institut Niçois dédié à l’Arthrose et au Sport
Les Pathologies
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